Sunday, September 1, 2013

birthday month

Its my favorite holiday - my birthday!

If you've known me for the past couple of years, you know that my birthday is a more important holiday than Christmas. I start celebrating my birthday on the start of the month - September 1! As a kid, my mom would always give us a small present on our birthday month, and decorate our doors with streamers. I obsess over my birthday and want lots of presents!

But this year I knew that I wanted it to be different.  I've been doing a lot of things this year out of the convictions that God has placed on my heart, and knew that I wanted to use my birthday as a way to give to others rather than take for myself. I've been thinking a lot about how I can help others in need, and what better time to do that than during a month when I'm celebrating my life on earth?

This world is so much bigger than just me and my birthday month.  I can't sit back and continue ignoring the needs of the world when others are desperately waiting for us to act. 

"To whom much is given, much will be expected." -Luke 12:48

The crisis in Syria has been so heavy on my heart, especially since its been compared to the acts of genocide that happened in Rwanda not too long ago.  The United Nations Refugee Chief, Antonio Guterres said, "We have not seen a refugee outflow escalate at such a frightening rate since the Rwandan Genocide almost 20 years ago."  The Rwandan Genocide only lasted 100 days.  This Syrian Crisis has been going on for years, and really isn't ending any time soon.  During the Rwandan genocide, we failed to act and respond to the people in need. I don't want history to repeat itself, but it will if we don't do something about it. 

Here's what World Help said about the crisis in Syria.  They put it in better words than I could.
The nation of Syria is on the verge of complete collapse. The crisis began in March of 2011 in the wake of the Arab Spring and evolved into a bloody battle between the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and various opposition forces.  Millions have fled to escape the slaughter that has already claimed the lives of more than 100,000 innocent civilians.  As the struggle for power continues, a humanitarian disaster of growing desperation threatens to swallow the entire region.
World Help, the organization that I went with to Rwanda, is heavily involved in providing aid for Syrian refugees. Vernon Brewer, the president and founder of the organization, visited the Syrian refugee camps multiple times and has been heavily involved in the crisis relief for the thousands of women and children that are in desperation. They are working on raising money to provide medicine, blankets, food, water, and shelter to those displaced in refugee camps. 

This is what I want for my birthday - to reach beyond my own borders and to do something that will last. 

Will you respond to those in need around the world?  Will you donate money to the refugees in need in honor of my birthday?

I'm trying to raise $360 by September 22. $360 is enough to provide food and medicine to twelve children for a month. Visit to donate to this campaign, and visit to learn more about how World Help is involved in helping the Syrian Crisis.

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing! I will donate when I get my first paycheck! Thank you for being an inspiration.
